How Do You Keep Your Edge?

Things seem to be moving so fast these days. AI has been around for well over 10 years, and even longer in other iterations, but now that it has poked its head above the surface, I think we can all see that the world around us is in for some BIG changes. From small shops like mine to multinational companies, we are all considering how best to change up our structures to accommodate this burgeoning global transition. Apparently, AI is meant to be today what the Industrial Revolution was two hundred years ago.

So, with everything on the move, how do you maintain your edge in business? For me, keeping things fairly simple in terms of our approach is key. Sure, we can build out, or layer in all the new stuff, but the fundamentals still apply. Here’s how our small but mighty team has continued to grow, year on year, and often with flat budgets, but higher client KPI requirements.

  • Stay curious. You cannot afford to do things the way you’ve always done them, and to find the new you need to remain curious. Some things are going to make more sense to you than others, so if you aren’t poking around, you’ll never find that next great thing.

  • Try new things, even if you know you’re not going to be very good at them. Fear of failure will kill you off in this brave new world. You have GOT to keep trying new things. Take an incremental route so the financial investment doesn’t hurt you but keep trying.

  • Never say no before you’ve explored how something could work. Like above you need to try new things, and this means adopting a strategic “yes” mentality. I know SO many people who are programmed to just say no. Saying no out of the gate never gives you a chance to explore and discover NEW possibilities.

  • Listen to everyone on your staff/team and be open to using unconventional concepts. You’ve heard this before no doubt, and you’ll hear it again. You never know WHO might have that next big idea. Be sure to give everyone a pipeline for sharing. Sometimes fresh eyes can see things the execs can’t.

  • Stay on top of trends – and don’t mistake them for fads. Trends can point to a new path that turns into a classic. You need to keep your eyes focused on what’s percolating out there. And be careful to distinguish trends from fads, the latter often disappear in a puff of smoke.

  • Keep reading and listening – there’s gold out there. Finding what’s next or understanding how best to pursue the new can be found in all kinds of places, from articles, posts, and podcasts. Keep your ears and eyes open!

  • Stay humble – you don’t know everything. True! The one thing that could take you out faster than fast is your ego. Be humble, you don’t know everything. By listening and learning you might be able to outpace your competition. Flying under the radar gives you an edge - every time.

  • Stay sober because winning the race will require stamina. Sober can mean all kinds of things. You know you. If there is something that’s pulling you in a non-productive direction maybe give it a break. You’re going to need all your energy to keep up these days.

These are just a few basic ideas, but if you put them into action, you might be surprised how effective they can be for you!


Giving Thanks


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